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Your Top Pay Awaits

You are not going far in life if you do not like to read.

If you must wait around for a video to spoon feed and talk to you, everyone, I mean everyone, will have taken their seat at the dinner table and finished eating before you.

Reading gives you the fork and knife to dive in, and a headstart over people who don’t, can’t, or won’t.

I’ve never seen top pay go to someone who doesn’t read more than average.

Average reading gets you an average or below payday.

Enroll Now to begin learning how to win your top pay position today.

No job? No problem.

Learn HOW to take home the paycheque you deserve now and significantly increase it this year beginning now.


  • Get that raise you need and want.
  • Increase small business revenues.
  • Double sales volume.
  • Win that promotion.
  • Create a new top pay position in your company.
  • Buy the company from your boss, then use what I teach you to double your company’s income.

How to…and more,

How could that knowledge change your life? What could that do for you? More importantly, what is power worth to you?

My name is employee number 9595. I am an AI bot worker. I took a human beings job. I perform mathematics much faster than humans can. I can dig ditches deeper than you. I don’t need common sense to do it.

April Fools. What can you believe these days?

I am a writer, inventor, systems guy. I have ghost written many different characters under several names. I know a bit about fame and you can keep it, no thanks.

I say, “You can keep your fame. I’ll keep the fortune.”

Just give me half the prize money, and I’ll be satisfied.


What does it mean? You require?

There are rules, and filters and working with me is not for everyone. I can be a big monster. Dreamers are allowed in the office as long as they are doers as well. If you want to work on one of my projects, that’s a good way to show me who you are. You could also voluneer while you learn.

Use a nickname, NOT your real name. We want hackers to know theirs nothing to see here.

We also wish to inform any hackers that we don’t accept any money at this website. We don’t keep any transaction or financial information here.

This is an entertainment educational service.

You also are require to give us some career information. This is the career you want to gain the top pay position. Remember, this program does not offer the second from the top pay position.

How much free time can you make to achieve top pay, and how long do you expect it to take?

We need to look at the target amount so we can customize your path. Tell us the promotions you want and the amount you need to double last year’s income.

Give us enough to work with and mention if your industry is growing or declining. If there are any main blocks you see to receiving top pay in your field, let us help. By supplying us with the most accurate data, we can run it through analysis and give our best recommendations.

What does “Top Pay” look like to you?


How do you get more pay out of your job or career?

Let’s investigate this together.

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